Smart Waste Containers

The modern approach to waste collection
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Save Money & Reduce CO2 Emissions

Using smart master-module controller and built-in precise waste volume sensors, containers can independently tell when they need to be emptied.

Modern Look

Modern looking bins for pedestrian areas which are vandal proof, designed to inspire interaction and responsible waste management.

Cleaner Municipality

All the waste containers are specifically designed to keep parks, walking tracks and streets, cleaner.

Store More Trash

Equipped with a waste compaction system, public cans are storing up to 5 times more waste compared to regular public bins, depending on the waste type.

Sensors for Existing Containers

In order to cut down the costs we can install sensors in already existing containers.

Fire Alerts

Be alerted if a container is on fire so that you can act accordingly and control the problem.

Garbage Fullness Level

Check the fullness level of all the containers at any time and be alerted when containers are almost full.

Trash Bins Compactor

These waste containers can store up to 5 times more waste compared to regular containers, thus reducing the need for frequent collection.

Trash Collection Routes

Save time by using an algorithm to create best routes for collecting trash.

Special App for Trash Collectors

Waste collectors app allows drivers to check which containers need emptying, and creates a route to help them collect faster.
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