Electric Bicycles

ECO transportation for everyone.
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Transport Flexibility

People are more likely to use bicycles on their daily commutes if they are available and easy to access.

Reduce Carbon Emissions

If 10% of the population were to replace one car trip each day with a bike trip, overall transport emissions would be expected to decrease by about 10%.

Reduced Traffic

The best way to reduce traffic is to make people use less cars, and ride more electric bicycles.

Income for the Municipality

Renting the bikes will produce income for the municipality and since the bikes run on electricity, the cost will be very low.

Financial Saving for Consumers

Help people from your community save money by giving them the option to ride electric bike instead of spending money on gas.

Supports Tourism

Tourists love using bikes when visiting a new city, it allows them to better explore the area.

Carbon Emissions

E-bikes can help you achieve a reduction in your carbon footprint and this kind of transportation does not release dangerous chemicals into the air like a car or a bus.

Easier to ride

Pedal assist gives riders a boost. It helps with hills, inclines, and rough terrain, allowing for a smoother ride thus reducing stress on joints. You can also ride with greater power and precision than a regular bike.

Easy to Use

Users will love using the electric bikes since they are so easy to use, they can locate the renting place, pay for the bike and unlock it all trough the mobile app.

Protecting the Bikes

All the bikes are equipped with very strong and modern locks which make the bikes very hard to steal and also every bike is equipped with GPS so that you can track it in any case of emergency.
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